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Worship in the Round

January 3, 2025 .eventbutton{display:none!important}.event-location{display:none!important}

Starts January 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Ends January 3, 2025 at 9:00 pm


We’re excited to invite you to a unique worship experience as we close out our Week of Consecration: Worship in the Round.

Imagine a circle of believers, united in song and prayer.  Join us on January 3rd at 6 pm as we gather together to experience God’s presence in a new way. Let’s break down barriers and create a truly intimate worship experience.

Don’t miss this special opportunity to connect with God and each other. We can’t wait to worship with you!”

6:00 pm-9:00pm


We're excited to invite you to a unique worship experience as we close out our Week of Consecration: Worship in the Round.

Imagine a circle of believers, united in song and prayer.  Join us on January 3rd at 6 pm as we gather together to experience God's presence in a new way. Let's break down barriers and create a truly intimate worship experience.

Don't miss this special opportunity to connect with God and each other. We can't wait to worship with you!"

6:00 pm-9:00pm

