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Reclaim Your Family Conference

January 18 .eventbutton{display:none!important}

Starts January 18 at 9:00 am
Ends January 18 at 3:30 pm

The digital world has changed parenting, and many ask, “What do we do to keep our kids safe?” If you’re a parent of a child or teen, we invite you to join us for a powerful experience at the “Reclaim Your Family” conference! This event will equip you with tools for parenting in today’s technology-driven world.

Conference Schedule:
Main Event
Date: Saturday, January 18
Time: 10 AM – 4 PM
Description: A full-day conference packed with four engaging sessions, group discussions, and guidance on starting a solution to parenting in the digital age. Lunch is included!

Follow-Up Sessions
We’ll hold four more sessions on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 service to support you after the main event. These sessions will continue the conference and offer a time for ongoing learning!

Sunday, January 19
Sunday, January 26
Sunday, February 2
Sunday, February 9

Register HERE

The digital world has changed parenting, and many ask, "What do we do to keep our kids safe?" If you’re a parent of a child or teen, we invite you to join us for a powerful experience at the “Reclaim Your Family” conference! This event will equip you with tools for parenting in today’s technology-driven world.

Conference Schedule:
Main Event
Date: Saturday, January 18
Time: 10 AM – 4 PM
Description: A full-day conference packed with four engaging sessions, group discussions, and guidance on starting a solution to parenting in the digital age. Lunch is included!

Follow-Up Sessions
We’ll hold four more sessions on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 service to support you after the main event. These sessions will continue the conference and offer a time for ongoing learning!

Sunday, January 19
Sunday, January 26
Sunday, February 2
Sunday, February 9

Register HERE

