Each day will focus on a specific theme, drawing from the Prayer Altar concept and offering space for reflection, Bible reading, prayer, and family tasks. Click  below to get started!

Dear Focal Point Church Family,

I want to personally invite you to join us for a powerful and transformative journey over the next 21 days. Beginning on October 14, we will embark on a church-wide time of prayer and fasting with a focused goal: to build an altar of prayer in our lives and experience the blessing of open heavens.

As a church, we believe that God is calling us to deeper intimacy with Him, to a place where His presence is not just visited but dwells among us. This is a time for us to prioritize God, seek His face, and create space for His power to move in our lives, our homes, and our communities.
We encourage you to choose a fasting plan that works for you—whether it’s giving up meals, specific foods, or distractions like media—and commit to prayer. Seek God for breakthroughs in your personal life, family, health, finances, and for His power to be unleashed in our church and community.

During these 21 days, we’ll raise our level of prayer for:

  • Personal revival and breakthrough
  • Family healing and salvation
  • Healing of our body, soul, and spirit
  • Praying for the church to fulfill the mission of Christ, praying for our city and nation to see true reviving of God, and pray for Kenya to see the move of God

Here’s what to remember:

  • Prayer is essential and life-changing.
  • Prayer, worship, and the word of God are powerful as we bring them together
  • Prayer doesn’t need to be long, just genuine.
  • Prayer works! We are expecting miracles as we pray together.

Let’s build our altars, seek His face, and experience all that God has for us during this season. I’m praying for you and can’t wait to see what God does in your life!

In His service,
Pastor Mark
Focal Point Church

Fasting can sound intimidating, but it’s really quite simple. Fasting is a period of time that you give up food—or something else you depend on—so you can turn your focus toward God in prayer. Fasting isn’t about cutting calories—it’s about cutting things that hinder our connection to God. It’s about letting go of the natural (such as food) to take hold of the supernatural. 

Fasting isn’t something we have to do, but it’s a spiritual discipline that we get to do to draw us closer to God. Jesus never commanded that we fast, but in Matthew chapter 6, He said, “…when you fast.” Fasting isn’t commanded—but it is expected in the life of the Christ-follower. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Prayer and fasting is all about you seeking God with all your heart, drawing closer to Him, and learning to hear His voice.

There are many different types of fasts. Fasting from food is not for everyone, especially those with certain health conditions. Here are some ideas: 

  • Full Fast:
    Drink liquids only for a set period of days (we recommend consulting your physician before beginning a full fast).
  • Intermittent Fasting:
    Intermittent fasting is usually abstaining from food from sunup to sun down (or another pre-selected time frame)—drinking water, and eating a light dinner at night.
  • Digital Detox:
    A digital fast can be spent giving up media (T.V. or streaming, social media or specific social apps, and/or video games) and replacing that time with prayer. We would only do emails, text messages, and phone calls. 

Whatever your fast looks like, remember that it’s not about what you’re giving up, but what you’re going to gain. Your decision to fast should be prayerfully considered based on your personal circumstances. You can combine fasting options, but if it doesn’t challenge you, consider choosing something more meaningful. If you have any health conditions, be sure to seek medical guidance before making dietary changes. Even if you choose not to fast, don’t let that stop you from dedicating intentional and extended time in prayer each day!

Isaiah 58:6-7  |  Matthew 6:16-18  |  Joel 2:12-13